Thursday, February 9, 2012

If you suffer from a back injury on the job and cannot work, can your ...

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Los Angeles wrongful termination attorneys are there to help in the event that you are dismissed from your job due to your continuing back trouble. In California, unless a worker has a contract or works under a collective bargaining agreement, his work comes under the category of ?at will?. Fundamentally this means the employer can demote or end a job or, on the flip side, the worker can resign, without giving any reason.

Nonetheless there are certain exceptions to this which includes discrimination. What does the workplace harassment definition is?The term ?discrimination ? covers many issues including race discrimination, sex, sexual orientation, age, and disability.

As can be seen from the above, your employer has a legal right to accommodate your back stiffness Problems. However it may be that you've had to attend various surgery appointments or had to see a consultant relating to your problem and your employer has declined to let you go to such appointment in work time and has docked your pay.

It could also be that you had filed an employees compensation claim because your physician claims you will need to take time off from work to rest your back and when you are ready to return to work you find that someone else is covering your job and your employer won't let you have it back.

He accordingly offers you a significantly lower position in the company that you, rightly therefore are not prepared to accept and as a consequence he ends your work. If you find yourself in that situation then rest assured that a bunch of Los Angeles wrongful termination lawyers will be able to help.

So what can a lawyer do for me?

A wrongful termination attorney will lend a sympathetic ear while offering sound advice and ascertaining whether you have a case to say anything. You will be pleased to know that mostly any reputable attorney will offer a free no-obligation meeting where you can pose questions and air any worries that you could have.

If he decides that you've got to case to answer he's going to be able to look to secure the following:

? re-instatement of your job (if indeed you would like to return)
? compensation for any stress and pain caused as a consequence of losing your job
? compensation for loss of wages
? costs of any ongoing doctor's bills
? possible punitive damages filed directly against your employer as a sort of punishment

Being cancelled from your job solely as you are in the unlucky position of having a disability can make you feel wretched and downright irritated as well as financially out of pocket. So don?t suffer quietly. Pick up the phone and call a Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney. You have everything to gain and zilch to lose.

So what to do if you have back trouble injury due to accident on the job? As a Californian employee how CA employment law will help you. Read on the manuscript of Precilla Hincks about this matter and the stand of the Los Angeles wrongful termination attorneys.

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